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Globaldis is a distributor of wood and wood products targeted at professionals as well as individuals.

The company integrates VICAIMA Group, a reference of solidity and entrepreneurial dinamism in Portugal.

Globaldis is the exclusive distributor of VICAIMA products and distinguishes itself by presenting a unique range on the market, including doors, floors, panels, woods, accessories and components.

The combination of tradition and inovation sets the strategic guideline that Globaldis proposes to develop towards their clients and business partners. 

Globaldis is certified by ISO 9001, one of the international benchmarks that certifies the quality management systems, which relates to the customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

Beyond the scope of its offer, Globaldis also differs for the full coverage of the Portuguese territory (mainland and islands), through dynamic sales teams and with detailed knowledge of an integrated and comprehensive range of solutions.

Global dis offers logistical own spaces in Vale de Cambra (main office), Albufeira (Algarve) and Paredes (near Oporto), the result of an enhancement plan logistics efficiency and the efectiveness of commercial activity.

In the export market, acts primarily on the Portuguese speaking countries - Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, but also in other African and Middle East countries.


Be the partner of choice in the woods and derivatives business, either for customers as well with suppliers.


Ambition to always achieve new levels of performance and recognition.

Proactive in anticipating trends, innovate and propose the best solutions.

Integrity in practice, to develop strong and lasting partnerships.

Motivation to structure strong teams and absolute focus on excellence in customer service.